***Upcoming course dates: Sept 30th – Oct 2nd, or Oct 14th – 16th***
Is it an officially recognised qualification?
Yes – this is a Certificate course, with graded assignments and teaching practice. It itn’t just a workshop. Successful trainees are awarded the TEFL Toulouse Certificate in Teaching Young Learners (Cert. TEYL).
How is TEFL Toulouse qualified to offer a TEYL course?
Jonathan who owns TEFL Toulouse, and Amy who runs the TEYL course are both qualified UK schoolteachers, as well as qualified and experienced TEFL teachers of course. We are experts in teaching young learners, and have our own in-house YL language school.
Why should I do a TEYL course?
Teaching English to the 5 to 16 age group is the fastest growing area in English teaching, not only in France but worldwide, so there is a huge demand here and worldwide for holders of a “Cert TEYL” certificate. It’s also a good preparation course for those considering a schoolteaching qualification (BeD, PGCE, CAPES..)
Who is eligible to do it?
The course is open to anyone who has our own Certificate in TEFL qualification, or another equivalent TEFL qualification. You will also need to provide a criminal background check (called a casier judiciaire in France). We’ll show you how to get one online in 24 hours.
What will I learn on the TEYL course?
- How children learn in comparison with how adults learn (social constructivism, behaviourism, learner styles…)
- Classroom management for young learners and teenagers
- Teaching vocabulary to children
- Planning whole lessons for children
- Storytelling
- Songs, chants and games
- Teaching practice
Is it for teaching teenagers as well as for teaching younger children?
The course mainly focuses on the 5 to 12 age group, although classroom management for teenagers is also included.
“Just wanted to let you know that the TEYL course was an absolute success! I really found a true connection between the theory component and then the “real life” version when we went to the school yesterday. I’m sad that’s now over as well! It brings to an end a valuable, interesting and very fun course (TEFL+TEYL = 🎉fun 🎊fun🎉 fun!!) It complemented the 4 week course just perfectly. Going to the school to teach the kids was a real eye opener. I am so grateful to you and Amy at Kaleidoscope for arranging things as you did, because I found it to be such a rewarding experience”
Sheree, Ireland / France November 2020
See here for one ex trainee’s experiences teaching kids in Toulouse
Our TEYL course includes teaching practice
- 290 euros as part of a group, or 700 as a 1 to 1 – all taxes and materials included
- TEFL qualified but not with TEFL Toulouse? Use the form below to apply
*Courses run from 9.30am to 5pm – with one of the days doing teaching practice at a local language school
Please use this application form if you are TEFL certified with another institution: