TEFL Professional development courses

TEFL Toulouse is the main provider of professional development courses for TEFL teachers in the south of  France. Our courses are all half a day to three days long and will keep you ahead of the game and more employable. If you are already an “autoentrepreneur” in France you can use your FIFPL credits to pay for them (click the link below).

Our courses satisfy the QUALIOPI requirements for ongoing professional development in France*, and most can  be done online or in class with us in Toulouse.  A certificate of attendance is provided for all courses, and the Cert TEYL qualification is awarded for our Young Learners course. This course includes teaching practice.

To apply for any of the courses, just press “contact us” at the bottom right corner of any page on this website.


In Class Online option Fee if part of a group / one to one fee  Fee for language schools  (up to 8 teachers) Can I pay with my FIFPL credits? QUALIOPI recognised?** Upcoming dates
Business English workshop (1 day) Yes** No 120 / 300 Contact us Yes Yes Contact us
Young Learners Certificate course  (3 days – includes teaching practice) Yes No 290 / 700 Contact us Yes Yes Contact us
Advanced grammar (1 day) Yes Yes 120 / 300 500 Yes Yes Contact us
Advanced teaching pronunciation (half day) Yes Yes 80 / 200 500 Yes Yes Contact us
Advanced  teaching online (half day)*** Yes Yes 80 / 200 300 Yes Yes Contact us
Neuro  linguistic coaching workshops – held over 2 weekends Yes Yes 700 1000 Yes Yes Contact us
Classroom management for teenagers (half day) Yes  Yes 80 / 200 300 Yes Yes Contact us

* Attention language school owners! The French govt (QUALIOPI) requires teaching staff in France to receive ongoing professional development. See here for more information

** At Babel language school, Tournefeuille Toulouse
*** Sufficient internet connection speed needed

All fees are TTC (all taxes and materials included).

To apply for any of these courses, just press “contact us” in the bottom right hand corner of any page on the website.

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