TEFL + French: 7 month student visa package to live and work in Toulouse

New for 2024 – we have teamed up with friends  Langue Onze to create a wonderful 7 months’ experience living and teaching English in Toulouse!

Who is the TEFL Toulouse student visa course for?

It’s for non EU passport holders, in particular Americans and Brits, as well as Canadians and New Zealanders  who are over 30 and so unable to benefit from their Working Holiday Visas.

How does it work?
You do your one month TEFL with us, and then soon afterwards begin your 6 months of French with Langue Onze. By purchasing the package you get a big 500e refund on your TEFL course.

Where are Langue Onze?

They are in the Rue des Arts, one of the most beautiful streets in central Toulouse. Just 15 minutes’ walk away from TEFL Toulouse.

Is the TEFL Toulouse plus student visa for me?

This is a very high quality option and is recommended for native English speakers  who are not legally allowed to live and work in France but who dream of doing so for up to a year or more. You’ll need to have the funds in the bank to  make the initial outlay

Is my student visa French course renewable after 7 months? Can I stay on longer and work in France?
Usually yes, you can either purchase more French courses or convert to a Business start up visa

Why don’t I just go straight for the Business start up visa after my TEFL Toulouse course?
You can, but the whole process would begin once you are TEFL qualified with us, which involves going home and applying for it. If you are already in France teaching English then you are more likely to be granted the visa, as you will already have been a teacher for 6 months, living and earning in France.

How much can I earn teaching English?
Hourly rates are between 20 and 45 euros and hour.

When do I make money teaching English if I’m busy studying French?!

Your French classes are in the morning and you have optional social activities in  the afternoons. You are then free to teach in the afternoons and evenings

How many hours a week can I teach on a student visa in France?
20 hours. But that’s enough to make at least 500 euros a week!

How much are rents in Toulouse?
Very well priced  due to Toulouse being a student city – cheaper than Paris, Lyon or Barcelona!

Will you help me find a place to live?
Yes, both TEFL Toulouse and Langue Onze will help you find accommodation.